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Successful Second DiSSCo-ES Meeting Held at the Science Museum of Madrid

On May 30, the Second Meeting of the Spanish National Node of DiSSCo, also known as DiSSCo-ES, along with the Second General Assembly, took place at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid. These gatherings provided updates on the inclusion of new members, Spain’s current status within the European infrastructure, and the forthcoming initiatives.

Representatives from the member institutions seized the opportunity to address challenges, exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and extend a warm welcome to the three latest additions: the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS), the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (ICMAN), and the Experimental Station of Arid Zones (EEZA).

Following the General Assembly, Rafael Zardoya, the coordinator of the Node and Director of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, delivered presentations on communication tools, organizational structure, coordination and alignment efforts, as well as services, systems, and progress indicators.

The day concluded with an engaging question-and-answer session and a stimulating debate, followed by an opportunity for participants to explore the Royal Cabinet of the Science Museum and the MNCN’s ichthyology collection, guided by curator Gema Solís Fraile.

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